Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Final of Rhetorical Analysis

Edison Enciso
Professor Bailey
English 120-016
30 Nov 2014
Final Rhetorical Analysis Essay
Rhetorical Analysis of Anti-Smoking Advertisement
For many years cigarette companies had been promoting the consumption of cigarettes until 2011, when the advertisement of cigarettes was banned. Many people start smoking cigarettes when they are young without taking into account that cigarettes are very harmful for their health. Also, some people know the damage that occurs from smoking; however, many still continue to smoke. The anti-smoking advertisement (shown on the next page) from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) displays the picture of Terrie Hall, a former smoker, for an educational campaign of awareness about the consequences of smoking cigarettes. The advertisement is an example of the power of rhetoric because it is challenging the assumption that smoking cigarettes is not as harmful as many people think. The ad is also challenging the consumption of cigarettes that was promoted by cigarette companies.
The anti-smoking advertisement persuades people not to smoke cigarettes. The advertisement uses logos, pathos and ethos in order to convince people that smoking cigarettes is very dangerous for their health. Logos is shown through the message that if people smoke cigarettes, they will end up suffering throat cancer. Ethos is displayed with the picture in general, in which Terrie states “I never thought smoking would do this,” and with the fact, that cigarettes produce cancer, information which is supported by experts of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Finally, pathos is shown in the picture itself because the picture is very emotional to viewers.

Each part of an advertisement has specific characteristic with different meanings to persuade viewers. The message from the advertisement is sustained with two parts. The first part is the message quoted in the advertisement and partially placed on  Terrie’s picture on the left side of the ad, which represents a cause of smoking. The other part is the message of Terrie’s picture placed on the right side, which represents a specific effect of smoking. When it is analyzed the characteristics of the picture,  the Terrie’s image is shown with the short hair for cause of chemotherapy and with the expression of her face with the wrinkles appearing an age of 60 years or more, but she is only 52 years old  and looks aged and worried. In addition, the expression of her eyes looking at viewers gives the impression that she wants to say that “I smoked cigarettes, but you do not do it” or that “I smoked cigarettes and I am fighting against the consequences”. However, the strongest characteristic of the picture is the hole in her throat as a consequence of cancer  because all people are afraid of suffering that mortal sickness. Despite of the fact that some smokers do not suffer cancer and that many might ignore the message because of their addiction or other factors, it is important to consider the impact that the image can cause the viewers. The picture with these specific characteristics will emotionally impact people in different ways because it describes an strong message along with the quoted sentence, which is the aim of the advertisement.
The advertisement challenges the assumption that smoking is not as harmful as many people think. The concept that smoking cigarettes is not so harmful has been imposed by cigarette companies through advertising and promotions many years ago, making people believe that smoking cigarette is “cool”. Cigarette companies with this assumption have governed people for many years. Although currently most people know the damage of smoking, many still chose to smoke cigarettes. There are different reasons why people smoke cigarettes, but the main reasons are the psychological reasons. According to Chris Kinsey, editor for a medical publisher, he states that “ most of the psychological reasons center on how people perceive themselves in the company of others and many people start smoking in an attempt to change their images because they may wish to appear more attractive, independent or sophisticated.” However, “tobacco smoke contains a deadly mix of more than 7,000 chemicals; hundreds are toxic, and about 70 can cause cancer, [and] tobacco smoking increase the risk for serious health problems, numerous diseases, and death” (Fact Sheet: Quitting Smoking). The message in the ad where Terrie says “I never thought smoking would do this” implies that she did not know of the real dangerous effect when she started smoking cigarette, and the same concept might think a lot of people when they start smoking. The reason why this ad shows a clear message, which is if people smoke cigarette, they might end up suffering cancer, is to challenge the assumption that smoking cigarette is not so harmful.
In conclusion, the anti-smoking advertisement of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention has the power of convincing people that smoking cigarettes is very dangerous for their health. This advertisement with its rhetoric challenges the consumption of cigarette that was promoted by Cigarette Companies and contradicts the assumption that smoking cigarette is not so harmful for people’s health. Therefore, this advertisement is a good example of the power of rhetoric.
Works cited
“Fact Sheet: Quitting Smoking.” Center for Disease Control and Prevention. USA.gov.:
Government Made Easy. 29 Oct. 2014. Web. 23 Nov. 2014.
Kensey, Chris. “Why Do People Start Smoking Cigarettes?” Livestrong.com. Demand Media
Inc./ Livestrong.com. 2014. Web. 22 Nov. 2014.


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